
Below you can find Pienter Committee 2024! We're very excited to be organising this year's camp and look foward to meeting all of you. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

Send us an email! Or call us!

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Solène van der Schot (Chair)

Hi everyone ! I'm Solène and I am the chair of the amazing 2024 Pienter committee. At the time we meet, I'll hopefully be a second year particle physics student. In my spare time, I love to play and listen to music, or go hang out with some friends, bonus if there is beer. You can come up to me if you have any questions during the camp or if you just want to have a chat, I swear I don't bite! I can't wait for all of you to discover the fun Dutch student culture and the university life in general. During your Pienter weekend, I'm sure you will have at least as much fun as I did when I was a first year (otherwise I have not done my job properly, in which case you can scold me). The committee is really excited to meet you all and is more than ready to welcome you to the fun part of the faculty of science and engineering. Are you ready for it? See you all at Pienter camp ;)

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Ella Scharler (Secretary)

Hey everyone, I'm Ella - the secretary of the 2024 Pienter committee! I think my position can be best described as 'behind the scenes overlord', although in truth, my job is simply to provide the WD40 in the Pienter machine. I am an outdoors enthusiast, but also love playing music and going to live gigs around the city! My home before Groningen was South Africa, and by the time I get to meet you all I'll be beginning my second year of Astronomy. I met my best friends at the Pienter camp last year, it was truly the greatest introduction I could have hoped for to the strange new world of university!

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Kara van der Meulen (Treasurer)

Hey hey I'm Kara! I'm 19 years old and I am the Pienter treasurer. This is my second year at university and I'm having an amazing time here! There's a lot of things I enjoy, hanging out with my friends, doing activities with questionable amounts of beer, gaming and reading! Fun fact about me, I held the world record on a song on Beat Saber for about 6 months! Overall, I'm just a goofy gal. For the weekend I'm certain you'll have such a good time! Feel free to approach me if you have questions, have a chat or want to hear my opinion on anything Star Wars related. See you at Pienter Kamp!

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Jasmijn Kool (Activity Manager)

Hi guys! My name is Jasmijn (surprise surprise, I'm Dutch :) ), I'm from Amsterdam and right now I'm a first year math student, second year by the time camp starts. I'll be the activity manager at the camp, so I'm in charge of all the games we play and activities we do! I enjoy playing football with my friends and music. I play bass in a band with our secretary, Ella and I do my best on classical guitar. Next year I'm also trying to get into climbing with some friends I met at my own Pienter. I'm really looking forward to organizing Pienter, see you guys there!

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Nijs van Zoest (Crew Manager)

Dearest First years
My name is Nijs, and while I am writing this, I am a second year applied physics student, wedstrijdroeier at student rowing association Gyas, terrible procrastinator and enjoyer of study association activities. As the crew manager, my job during Pienter camp is to make sure all the other crew members perform their duties. So if everything goes according to plan, I can sleep for the whole weekend! However that is not going to happen, but it will be a lot of fun. I am looking forward to it! Cheers

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Annika Hirsch (Public Relations)

Heyy I'm Annika :)
I am a current first-year applied mathematics student and originally from Germany. I'm the head of PR for this year's Pienter Committee, that means I'm the one in charge of the website and instagram, and my sole purpose is to get you hyped for pienter! I really enjoy going on long bike rides, getting involved in a bunch of committees, and most of all, photography. I met a lot of good friends at pienter last year, so I'm really excited to make this camp as memorable as possible. You can always approach me with any questions or just send a DM over our Insta page! Really excited to meet everyone, see you at Pienter!